Australia - General Notes - Annexe 7 doc report

The following General Notes apply without exception to this Agreement, including to Annexes 1 through 6.

1 The Agreement does not apply to: Voir plus/moins

a any form of preference to benefit small and medium enterprises;

b measures to protect national treasures of artistic, historic, or archaeological value;

c measures for the health and welfare of Indigenous people;

d measures for the economic and social advancement of Indigenous people; and

e procurement of goods and services outside the territory of the procuring Party for consumption outside the territory of the procuring Party.

2 For greater certainty: Voir plus/moins

a the Agreement does not apply to procurement funded by grants and sponsorship payments received from persons not listed in Annexes 1, 2 or 3;

b the Agreement does not apply to procurement by a procuring entity from another government entity;

c nothing in this Agreement precludes the procuring Party, or its procuring entities, from preparing, adopting or applying technical specifications required to protect sensitive government information, including specifications that may affect or limit the storage, hosting or processing of such information outside the territory of the procuring Party; and

d a procuring entity may use limited tendering procedures for unsolicited innovative proposals under Article XIII:1.